
Josh Duvall Quoted by Law360 on Executive Order Regarding GSA Contract Consolidation

Maynard Nexsen shareholder Joshua Duvall was quoted in Law360's article, "Contract Consolidation Under GSA Could Hurt Innovation." The article covered an Executive Order that seeks to consolidate domestic procurement of "common goods and services" within the General Services Administration ("GSA"). The Order also directs the Office of Management and Budget to designate GSA as the executive agent for all government-wide acquisition contracts for information technology.

In discussing the scope of the Order: "'This all goes back to, 'what is the true scope of the executive order?' Maynard Nexsen PC shareholder Josh Duvall said. 'Were they thinking of specific agencies when they were using the term 'domestic'? Because a procurement could be mostly domestic, but you could argue that it sometimes has an impact on, let's say, the war fighter overseas. Does that automatically take it out [of the scope of the order]?'"

To read the article from Law360, click here (PDF) or here (subscription required).

  • Joshua  Duvall

    Joshua Duvall is a Shareholder in the Washington, D.C. office of Maynard Nexsen and is a member of the firm's Cybersecurity & Privacy Practice Group and Government Solutions Practice Group.

    As a member of the Government Solutions ...


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