Firm Principles
The driving force behind Maynard Nexsen's inception was a shared commitment to five core principles. Our practice continues to be guided by these principles:
- Professional Excellence. To provide our clients the best and most professional service of which we are capable, remembering that service to clients is the principal reason for a law firm’s existence.
- Uncompromising Integrity. To maintain the highest ethical and professional standards, conducting ourselves in a manner that will reflect credit on our profession, our firm, and one another.
- Teamwork. To promote mutual respect and team play among ourselves, openly supporting and communicating with one another.
- Selfless Loyalty. To be loyal to our firm and to one another, subordinating personal interests and ambitions to the greater good of the firm.
- Balanced Lives. To seek to advance the interests of our profession and our society, recognizing that we are servants to our community.
The standards we set as a Firm drive everything we do – how we interact with one another, and how we serve our communities and clients.