COVID-19 Fraud
The emergence of COVID-19 brought with it a wave of bad actors trying to use and using the COVID-19 public health emergency to perpetrate health care fraud.
The federal government, this year, has directed much of its fraud and abuse law enforcement activities at COVID-19 health care fraud. It is no surprise that much of this enforcement activity has focused on clinical laboratories, as the COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented demand for diagnostic laboratory testing. Any clinical laboratory that has engaged in what could be considered fraudulent activities should seek out legal counsel immediately.
We strongly recommend that clinical laboratories should adopt, implement, and enforce robust compliance programs to lower their risk of violating federal laws, which could carry penalties in the millions of dollars, imprisonment, and a number of administrative penalties.
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COVID-19 Fraud
The emergence of COVID-19 brought with it a wave of bad actors trying to use and using the COVID-19 public health emergency to perpetrate health care fraud.