
These videos are presented as a service to our clients and friends. Each is intended to be informational and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific situations. We encourage you to consult an attorney about specific situations.

  • Attorney Ernie Pearson discusses the keys to ensuring that clients receive the maximum amount of state and local incentives. Pearson discusses both new and existing operations and the importance of including incentives in the conversation.

  • George Smith discusses the economic impact the electric vehicle industry is having on North Carolina and  the potential for even more growth in the near future.

  • Attorney Jim Warren offers steps for economic development organizations who are looking to invest in the Carolinas.

  • Nexsen Pruet Attorney Todd Davidson shares insight on helping clients navigate legal issues throughout the U.S. and abroad. The firm has helped many companies all over the world establish new business and expand their operations to successfully grow their American footprint. 

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