These videos are presented as a service to our clients and friends. Each is intended to be informational and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific situations. We encourage you to consult an attorney about specific situations.
This week, Tina and Matthew welcome Shawn Regan, CEO and co-founder of Rhythmlink International, an organization that champions innovative engineering solutions to improve patient care. Shawn shares his insight on how his company reduces medical costs, the type of products they manufacture, and how Rhythmlink has pivoted amid the ongoing pandemic. Listen now!
Tina and Darra chat with Dr. Emily Touloukian this week, President of Coastal Cancer Center and a leader in cancer care. They discuss how Coastal Cancer Center alleviates the stress that a cancer diagnosis brings on, how telehealth has enhanced the quality of cancer care, and the future of oncology services in South Carolina. Listen now!
This week, Heather and Matthew are joined by Amy Splittgerber, the Executive Director of Healthy Learners, an organization that Matthew has championed as a multi-term board member and Chair. They discuss how Healthy Learners connects school-aged children to health care providers to help remove barriers to school success, how health access affects education performance, and how the organization successfully serves 148 schools in South Carolina. Listen now!
Heather and Matthew are joined by Chris Severn, an advocate for price transparency in health care and Co-Founder and CEO of Turquoise Health, a software solution where patients can compare prices and physicians as well as a tool for providers. We dive deep into how the No Surprises Act is transforming health care, including provider compliance, consumerism, and Turquoise Health’s products and business model. Tune in now!