These videos are presented as a service to our clients and friends. Each is intended to be informational and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific situations. We encourage you to consult an attorney about specific situations.
Joining Heather and Darra from Prisma Health, Dr. Kevin Walker, a pain medicine specialist and anesthesiologist, and Doug Furmanek, Clinical Director of Pharmacy Services, dive deep in to the opioid epidemic gripping the United States. They share first-hand accounts of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the incidence of opioid misuses in South Carolina, ways the medical community can reduce opioid reliance, and much more.
On episode 64, Heather and Nexsen Pruet health care attorneys Matthew Roberts and Nikole Mergo sit down with Tod Augsburger, the President and CEO of Lexington Medical Center, a 557 bed nonprofit hospital in West Columbia, South Carolina. As the delta variant surges throughout the nation, Tod shares his insights on how Lexington Medical Center and the Lexington community has battled COVID since 2020, as well as health care trends like consolidation, pricing, and certificate of need. Tune in now for Tod’s first-hand account of leading a health care system during a global pandemic.
Matthew and Heather welcome back Sam Konduros to discuss his new role as President and CEO of KOR Medical. KOR Medical is a recently launched health innovation company that plans to set the standard in the arena of personalized, clinical cannabis to benefit patients suffering from diseases like epilepsy and cancer and to help alleviate the nationwide opioid crisis. Tune in now and learn more about this exciting South Carolina based company!
Dr. Ada Stewart, a physician at Eua Claire Cooperative Health Center, returns a year after first joining Heather and Darra on the podcast to give us an update on how the pandemic has impacted her work and patients. Dr. Stewart shares the details of her experience as President of the American Academy of Family Physicians during a tumultuous time, her service to underserved communities in South Carolina, and the rise of the Delta variant. Tune in now!