These videos are presented as a service to our clients and friends. Each is intended to be informational and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific situations. We encourage you to consult an attorney about specific situations.
- 09.29.2020 | Episode 21: Will Hamilton, CVA, BuckheadFMV
On this episode, Heather and Matthew dive into the valuation sector with guest Will Hamilton, a health care valuation consultant with BuckheadFMV. We discuss the importance of fair market valuation in the health care industry and how it has exploded in growth, the financial impact COVID-19 has had on health care providers and how it affects valuations, and more. Listen now!
- 09.22.2020 | Episode 20: Angela O'Neal, Nextra Solutions Director, and Dawn Staley, USC Women's Basketball Coach
For episode 20, Heather and Matthew are joined by special guests Angela O’Neal, attorney and Director of Nextra Solutions, along with the legendary Dawn Staley, Coach of the University of South Carolina Women’s Basketball team. We discuss how COVID-19 has dramatically altered the sports industry, what leagues at the college and professional levels are doing to safely bring back games, and how the pandemic and recent social justice movement has impacted athletes. Tune in for all that and more!
For episode 19, Heather and Matthew sit down with Dr. Bill Massey, the Chief Scientific Officer of Vikor Scientific, to learn about the specifics of COVID-19 testing and how the pandemic has forced the life science company to quickly pivot their business. Dr. Massey, a world renowned neuropharmacologist and pharmacogeneticist, discusses how Vikor has dramatically increased their workforce and equipment capacity, recent developments in the types of tests and their efficiency, and the state of testing and tracing in South Carolina. Tune in now!
Heather & Darra dive in with South Carolina Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman to discuss the challenge of operating schools and maintaining instruction during the pandemic. Tune in as we cover strategies for reopening, the delivery of broadband services for virtual learning, how educators and administrators are adjusting, and much more. Listen now!