Jeanne Born is a Registered Nurse and health law attorney, and advises hospitals, long term care facilities, assisted living facilities and physicians, hospices, home health agencies and other providers on various healthcare, governance and strategic issues on a daily basis. She practices in the health care group with an emphasis on hospital and long term care law, risk management, governance, health information and technology including HIPAA/HITECH, credentialing, medical staff issues including revising medical staff bylaws, peer review matters, legal compliance, administrative and regulatory issues and reimbursement. She also handles nonprofit corporate issues for health-related and other nonprofits.

Her nursing background is in general medical/surgical nursing, medical/surgical neurology, and nursing management.

Jeanne is a frequent speaker on various corporate and healthcare issues including healthcare reimbursement, telehealth, governance, general legal and health information compliance, and long term care issues. She received her J.D. degree cum laude from the University of South Carolina School of Law, where she was Research Editor of the ABA Real Property Probate and Trust Journal.

Community & Professional

  • South Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management and the Association for Healthcare Quality (past president)
  • Richland County Bar Association
  • South Carolina Bar
  • South Carolina Bar Health Law Section (past chair)
  • South Carolina Women Lawyers' Association
  • Sigma Theta Tau


  • State Bar: South Carolina
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